• Survey.
  • ROW Grading.
  • Stringing.
  • Main Line Welding.
  • NDT
  • Joint Coatings.
  • Trenching.
  • Lowering In.
  • FOC Laying With Duct.
  • Backfilling.
  • Cathodic Protection.
  • Cleaning And Gauging.
  • Hydrostatic testing.
  • Dewatering.
  • Swabbing And Preservation.
  • Restoration, Handing Over, Marker Installation.
  • Testing And Commissioning.
  • HDD Assistance.
  • IPS And EGP Assistance.
  • Flow Lines / Spur Lines
  • We undertake the flow line laying comprising of Manpower, Machinery, and material including trenching, lowering, coating, backfilling, testing & commissioning. The job includes gathering manifold, well head connections, laying of surface tubes, hook up with riser mains and its structure supports, etc. Connection of the field equipments, Piping, Separators, Treater, KO drums for the Early Production Facilities.

  • Construction of Early Production Facilities (EPF)
  • We undertake the construction of the Early Production Facility in oil field, to set up the storage tanks, separator on pad and its interconnections, piping and hook up with flare stack and hook up with trunk line. We also undertake fabrication and erection of temporary loading hanger/bay for loading oil tankers with flow meters, installation and commissioning of the piping and loading pumps arrangements.

  • Marshy Land/ Water logged area
  • We undertake pipeline laying by using the scooping method, including civil works like construction of access road, welding of the section, Joint coating, mastic/ concrete filling in joint sections, Lowering by scooping method up to 1.0 meter cover over the pipeline top without any excess stress over pipeline, Backfilling of the lowered section and restoration. We provide complete package to lay the pipeline either by floating method or by scooping method.

  • Pumping , Boosting, Pigging & SV stations
  • Fabrication and installation of above ground piping and underground piping works includes civil works in hard rock strata, Erection of the equipments like vessels, KO drums, filtration units, Pumps etc, Hydro testing of piping & equipments and assistance for pre-commissioning & commissioning of the entire system.

  • Erosion Control measures
  • We undertake the erosion control assessment survey and Recommendations to control the erosion & its measures for the pipeline way leave area. Also we take the construction of the erosion control.

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  • Submarine Pipeline Hydro testing
  • We are capable to extend our support to the pipeline cleaning by pigging method and hydro testing of the pipeline sections from the riser to riser or riser to shore. Hydro testing works includes Filling pump, Pressure pump and testing instrument like Dead weight tester, Pressure recorder, Temperature recorder, Flow meter, Process and Gauge.

  • Assistance for Caliper Survey & IPS Survey for the Offshore Pipelines
  • We can provide the full support to carry out the pre, during and post activities for the Caliper and IPS survey for the Submarine pipelines.

  • Marshy Land/ Water logged area
  • We undertake the pipeline laying by using the scooping method, includes civil works like construction of access road, Welding of the section, Joint coating, mastic./ concrete filling in joint sections, Lowering by scooping method up to 1.0 meter cover over the pipeline top without any excess stress over pipeline. Backfilling of the lowered section, including restoration. We will provide complete package to lay the pipeline either by floating method or by scooping method.

  • Assistance for the Pipeline Shore approaches like Beach Pull or Shore Pull
  • We undertake the Inter tidal pipeline works like Shore pull or Beach pull Assistance to the Specialized Agencies. Preparation of pipeline sections, assist to install the power pack and pull back dead concrete weights, Installation of the pulling wrenches etc. Welding of pipeline string, NDT, Joint coating and shifting over rollers before pulling, fixing of the floating buoys. Also we can design & fabricate the roller stands according to the pull load and diameter of the pipeline section.

  • Offshore pipelay Barge services
  • We can provide required all types of skilled and unskilled manpower like downhill welders, pipeline fitters, supervisors, riggers, unskilled workmen’s.

  • Intertidal Tidal Zones
  • We undertake the pipeline laying by using the scooping method, includes civil works like construction of access road, Welding of the section on the shore, Joint coating, Mastic/concrete filling in field joint sections. We can bury the pipeline pulled section by scooping method during low/High tide by using excavator or by dredging method. Based on conditions we can mobilize the required barges, tugs and offshore crews for the pipeline burial.