The downstream segment of the oil and gas industry primarily encompasses the refining and processing of crude oil, natural gas and derivatives of crude.
End products include Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, asphalt, petroleum coke and other by-products. Clients include major oil companies, independent refineries, petrochemical manufacturers and product terminals.
Petrochemical production is the manufacture of chemicals from the refining of crude oil, and processing of coal and natural gas. The two main classes of petrochemicals - olefins and aromatics - are used for myriad natural and synthetic products consumed in our everyday lives, including plastics, synthetic rubber, fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals.
CATSKILL participates in the downstream engineering/design,
construction, maintenance and life-cycle extension markets to include:
- Refineries
- Petrochemical plants
- Product storage terminals
- Fuel depots and fuelling systems
- Process heaters
- Marine docks and loading facilities